A friend of God must be a person who thinks in dispensations as God thinks, he is not limited by circumstances around him nor permit to be circumscribed by the predominant views or opinions of men.

Abraham demonstrated this. King David typified this.

Assemblies of God as a ministry is a result of the former rain and latter rain of Asuza Street Revival which occurred in 1906 at Springfield, USA. Fast forward some years down the line about the 1930s the same incident occurred amongst God-hungry Youths somewhere in Umuahia of the then Eastern Region (now Abia State).

The above event resulted in the birth of the: Church of Jesus Christ”. Owing to regulatory requirements of the then Colonial government of Nigeria, an alliance was formed with the foreign mission called Assemblies of God Springfield, USA.

The result was the change of the name from the Church of Jesus Christ to Assemblies of God Nigeria.

Assemblies of God (popularly known as “AG”) came to be a strong force that fathered the birth of Pentecostalism in Nigeria. The foreign Mission came with their doctrines and theology. They established bible colleges in Nigeria and in West Africa to help train and structure the AG as a denomination in Nigeria.

The above move became so formidable and trained numerous notable preachers in Nigeria too numerous to name. Numerous branches were born in quick succession. The Church continued to rise in profile and dominance until recently.

The horizon began to dwindle. Youths began a mass exodus. Vibrant ministers began to exit to found competing ministries and churches. There came a big clash between Conservatism and Modernism, Religion and Christianity!

It is said that when two elephants fight, the grass is the victim. So while all these were going on, it became apparent the mother church was prepared for such change. It is a principle that it is only change that is a constant in life. The mother-church began to hemorrhage so much. Talents in youths and preachers left and continued to leave.

In a very sweeping move to arrest the ugly trend, the then General Superintendent, the very Revd. Charles Osueke instituted the Worship Centre model of Church branches which is more tolerant to newer revelations in the Christendom, present truths of God’s word devoid of religion colorations.

But the worship-centre model began to suffer the same ills that the mother Church suffers. This is nevertheless very inevitable because you do not solve a problem with the same mentality that created it!

While the worship-centres began to permit ladies to wear trousers, or worship without wearing a headtie, or even apply make-ups (without the Pastor’s wife landing handkerchiefs to such members to put on their head), the Pastors of the worship-centres are doling out the same theology landed to them at the seminary schools with no chance of looking them up in the Scriptures. No clear demarcations between the old Testaments ones, no difference between Mount Sinai and Mount Zion. And so the worship centres failed too.

This was the juncture that the Assemblies of God Worship Centre Anthony was birthed by the inspiration of God through Rev. Nse Usenideh. Being led by the Holy Spirit he handpicked a few brethren led by Pst. (Barr) Emeka Okorie and unleashed them unto this new task.

As they waited and listened, the Holy Spirit said “I am sending you on a recovery mission, like David you pursue and without fail, recover all the glories and talents lost so far by the mother church”

“How Lord?” asked the Lead Pastor. The Lord answered without mincing word, “By standing in the Light alone – and illuminate the lives of my people with my love”, by revealing the beauty and attractiveness of the Lord through the preaching of the truth – devoid of religion and man-made theology”. Jesus is the True light (John 1:9)

So by the leading of the Spirit the new Worship Centre was declared to be “The  Arena of Light”.

In Arena of Light (AOL), the emphases is the word of God. Nothing of religion or man-made dogmas are permitted here. We teach the new testament as established by Lord Jesus and passed on by the Apostles in the Epistles. Our very inspirational and warm services laden with the power of the Holy Spirit would make you love the Lord and serve Him freely. Your fellow human being becomes very precious and valuable for you will begin to experience the mind of Christ in deed and in fact.

Welcome to AGWorship Centre Anthony, the Arena of Light where your life would be illuminated with God’s love as we treat you to a lifetime of fullness of God and rest!

Why not come with your friends?